Unity Solar Systems review

Unity Solar Systems has earned the 'Local Installer' badge, focusing its services within 1 state. This company has a limited distribution area and fewer reviews on external resources, leading to a lower level of popularity at the time of our assessment. Due to the small amount of information available, we find it challenging to thoroughly evaluate the company's ratings or recommend their services. We cannot confirm nor deny the quality of Unity Solar Systems's offerings, so we advise potential clients to proceed with caution and consider additional research when choosing this installer.

Unity Solar Systems Overview

Founded in: 2006
Unity Solar Systems, established in 2006, has been an active participant in the solar industry, providing services across 1 state. Our evaluation takes a closer look at their offerings, customer experiences, and industry standing, presenting you with an unbiased perspective to aid in your solar journey decision-making.

At a Glance: Unity Solar Systems’s Offerings

Diverse Services: Offers a range of services related to solar solutions including Solar Panels: Installation and maintenance of solar panels for residential, commercial, and industrial use. Solar Inverters: Devices that convert the direct current (DC) output of solar panels into alternating current (AC) for use in homes and businesses. Solar Lights: Solar-powered lighting solutions for various applications. Battery Storage Systems: Systems to store solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining. Solar Mounting Brackets: Hardware for mounting solar panels securely. Solar Light Bulbs: Energy-efficient light bulbs powered by solar energy. Solar Transformers: Devices that adjust the voltage of electricity generated by solar panels. Mounting Rails and Couplers, Connectors: Components for assembling and connecting solar panel systems.
Online Presence and Engagement: Their website attracts 143 visits monthly, with a positive trend, indicating their market presence and public interest.
Reach and Impact: Their services span across OH, demonstrating their commitment to spreading solar energy solutions to a wide audience.
Certifications and Reputation: The company holds certifications such as SB/SDB/WOSB/EDWOSB, and maintains a BBB rating of NOT BBB ACCREDITED, reflecting their industry compliance and service quality.
Whether you’re considering Unity Solar Systems for their reputable services or weighing your options due to mixed reviews, it’s essential to review detailed evaluations based on comprehensive data. Our analysis, derived from 10 independent sources, aims to equip you with the necessary insights to make an informed decision.

Independent Sources

Unity Solar Systems Reviews

 SourceVotesAverage Score
energysage.comNo reviewsNo reviews
solarreviews.comNo reviewsNo reviews
yelp.comNo reviewsNo reviews
bbb.orgNo reviewsNo reviews
consumeraffairs.comNo reviewsNo reviews
indeed.comNo reviewsNo reviews
trustpilot.comNo reviewsNo reviews
angi.comNo reviewsNo reviews
birdeye.comNo reviewsNo reviews
Google reviewsNo reviewsNo reviews
Expert Score0.0

Learn more: What Made Us Choose Sources for Expert Score?

Based on Company Info

Unity Solar Systems Reviews

Company Websiteunitysolarsystems.com
Year Founded2006
Areas ServedOH
Services OfferedSolar Panels: Installation and maintenance of solar panels for residential, commercial, and industrial use. Solar Inverters: Devices that convert the direct current (DC) output of solar panels into alternating current (AC) for use in homes and businesses. Solar Lights: Solar-powered lighting solutions for various applications. Battery Storage Systems: Systems to store solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining. Solar Mounting Brackets: Hardware for mounting solar panels securely. Solar Light Bulbs: Energy-efficient light bulbs powered by solar energy. Solar Transformers: Devices that adjust the voltage of electricity generated by solar panels. Mounting Rails and Couplers, Connectors: Components for assembling and connecting solar panel systems.
Roofing service
Panel OptionsMonocrystalline Solar Panels: Known for their high efficiency and sleek appearance. They are ideal for installations with limited space. Polycrystalline Solar Panels: Generally more affordable but slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels. They are a good option if you have ample roof space. Thin-Film Solar Panels: Lightweight and flexible, making them suitable for unconventional installations like RVs or boats. They are less efficient but can be a good choice for specific applications.
Battery InstallationsAC-Coupled Solutions: These systems use a separate inverter for the battery, allowing you to keep your existing solar inverter. They are flexible in terms of battery size but may have some efficiency loss due to multiple power conversions. DC-Coupled Solutions: These systems replace your existing solar inverter with one that integrates both solar and battery storage. They are more efficient as they reduce energy loss during power conversion. Retrofit Installations: Adding a battery to an existing solar system can be straightforward if the system was designed to be “storage ready.” If not, additional equipment or inverter replacement might be necessary. Integrated Systems: Some systems come with integrated battery storage, designed to work seamlessly with the solar panels and inverter.
Solar system leases service
Expands dealership network

Unity Solar Systems Website Visits Trend: positive

Learn more:  Website Visits Trend.

Monthly VisitsPage Per VisitTime On SiteBounce RateDirect TrafficSearch TrafficPaid Referral TrafficReferral TrafficMail TrafficSocial Traffic
Popular Myths About Solar Panels Busted 5

Unity Solar Systems Social Media


Do we recommend Unity Solar Systems services?

Local Installer

Unity Solar Systems has earned the ‘Local Installer’ badge, focusing its services within 1 state. This company has a limited distribution area and fewer reviews on external resources, leading to a lower level of popularity at the time of our assessment. Due to the small amount of information available, we find it challenging to thoroughly evaluate the company’s ratings or recommend their services. We cannot confirm nor deny the quality of Unity Solar Systems’s offerings, so we advise potential clients to proceed with caution and consider additional research when choosing this installer.

Learn more: How We Classify Solar Installers: What Matters Most?

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Dmytro Kovtoniuk
Dmytro Kovtoniuk

Dmytro Kovtoniuk is an SEO and automation specialist at SolarPowerSystems. Dmytro’s experience in solar projects and automation and passion for applying mathematical principles to real-life tasks—a commitment shared with the rest of the team—are crucial in shaping the company’s strategy for presenting accurate and user-friendly information on solar technology.

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